We often hear many people express concerns about the current state of our county, political system and/or our country. These concerns are valid, as we too understand that we are all walking a thin line between the lefts push for a totalitarian government and our rights and values specified by the Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights! Unfortunately, we can’t do this alone!
The two most simplistic ways to help the CCRC is by word of mouth and social media. We are actively looking for innovative ways to spread our message and information on the candidates who represent our values. If you see a post on our website (http://carbongop.com/) or social media page (https://www.facebook.com/Carbon.County.Republican.Committee.PA?ref=embed_page) that you agree with, please share or use as a conversation starter with someone in our area. The more we can unite as a party, the stronger we will be in this ever-changing political environment.
Attending events in our area is another way to show support and help the CCRC. This can be accomplished by attending our monthly CCRC Meetings, attending a candidate’s sponsored event or by attending a meet-and-greet at a local fair or festival. This is a great way to interact with our committee members and candidates running in an election cycle. If interested, you can visit http://carbongop.com/events/ to see “what’s going on” in our area.
The Carbon County Republican Committee is reliant on donations. A small donation can be extremely helpful to us, especially during election months. We do understand that with the current state of our economy and inflation at a record high, people are just trying to make ends meet. But donations keep us running. The more donations we receive, the louder our voice and presence can be in our county and the better we can represent all of you. These donations help us attend events, engage new voters, send out mailers and a variety of other essential tasks. Please consider donating today by visiting http://carbongop.com/donate-today/.
These are just a few examples of what can be done to help the Carbon County Republican Committee. You can always send us an email by clicking http://carbongop.com/contact/ and ask any specific questions you may have. We must stay united and work together if we want to keep Carbon County RED!