We have been hearing from many people across the county that they have not received their mail-in ballots yet or the expected date is pushed later. We want you to know we are on it and there are still options to get your ballot in. All of this is due to the voting changes implemented in past years and while it’s frustrating to navigate, WE NEED TO IN ORDER TO SAVE OUR COUNTRY!! Remember when we vote in each and every election, we can put an end to these tactics used to hinder voting. #VoteRedinEveryElection
For those that want to, you can go down to the Elections Office and cancel your mail-in ballot request. While you’re there request an emergency ballot and it can be filled out and returned the same day.
For those that received your mail-in ballot late and don’t feel comfortable mailing it, you can bring the MIB to your polling precinct on November 5th and vote in person.
If you do not receive your MIB nor do you request a cancellation, you still have options. Just go to your polling precinct on Election Day and request a provisional ballot and tell them you never received your MIB.
We have been in talks with the county and they will have additional information available on their website. Please check there for new changes or updates.
We are in the homestretch so don’t get discourage and let’s stay strong until the end! If anyone is unable to get to a polling precinct, please reach out, we may be able to assist. We have a few volunteers that offered to help people get out and vote. If you encounter any issues on Election Day, please text our chairman Lee Becker immediately at (484) 225-8201.